In previous life, before the partition of Indian subcontinent in 1947, during a visit to Kahnau Nau in the outskirts of Lahore, I had bowed at this door as HIS humble seeker.

Jhukiya Main Dar Tey Ban Key Sawaali
I bowed at HIS door as a humble seeker

Having been ousted for decades, returning in present life in January 2017, I was aghast to find the gurdwara building had fallen but the door having defied the onslaught of destiny was still standing upright without any support. As though, it was patiently waiting for my arrival! A month after my visit, a friend from Lahore who visited the site informed me that the door had fallen down.

I am glad it waited so long for my arrival, enabling me to once again bow as HIS humble seeker!

Photographed in Jan 2017, during the research for the book “THE QUEST CONTINUES: LOST HERITAGE The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan”